Start simple & smart.
Get your business or ministry
online now. 


The biggest question I get asked the most... the problem most people face... is HOW DO I GET STARTED? 

It's overwhelming, right? Ideas, software choices, systems, coaches, etc., etc. I can help distill all that with a first step. 

You gotta get people to opt in to your page - to give you their contact information. It's literally the very first step. Here's how to do that the quick and easy way! No lie! When I did this, it literally STARTED my business.

I ask all of my clients to please start here, and do this first. It makes the rest SO much clearer and easier.

How I Can Help

  • Websites: Design beautiful, efficient and effective sites
  • Sales Funnels: Create beautiful and converting funnels
  • Courses: Design & Setup user-friendly courses
  • Email Campaigns: Email templates in any autoresponder
  • Landing Pages: Convert your readers into sales
  • ​Social Media Ads: Make ads that get attention
  • ​Content: Write head-turning, clear copy that sells

About Jen...

I’ve been in this business of digital marketing for over 20 years! It started with one single HTML class as I was studying Management Information Systems. As soon as I published my first website with blinking Christmas lights, I was hooked!

I have 5 kids (yes, really) and wanted to stay home with them, but never quite gave up my passion for entrepreneurship. I built and re-built my business several times over those years as we prioritized.

Then one day I found myself divorced and homeless, living in a van parked wherever I could get away with it. I had to recreate my business building websites by sitting outside the McDonalds, trying to use their free wifi.

That same drive and passion that saw me through those harrowing months are what keep me moving forward in helping others who need to make this work.

I've Worked With...

Since then I've built websites and sales funnels for William Shatner, The Allman Brothers, Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, Darren Hardy, Jim Rohn, John Wooden, Mel Robbins, Success Magazine and more.

I specialize in MLM Startups as well as speaker/authors and ecommerce. But you will find me creating systems and designs for any industry at any given time! I can't stay out of your business!

Where You'll Find Me...

Let's keep this simple. Join me on any of the following platforms for more goodies:

Every day I have two questions:
1. What drives SALES online?
2. How can we HELP more people today?

If you tend to think about this stuff too or you're looking for a way to get your stuff online... I want to encourage you to just go for it and START HERE!

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